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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Megaman X4 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-05-01 11:24:12 Views : 25028 Capsule locations: Information in this section was contributed by Ace99. Unlimited lives for Zero: Begin game play on the Cyberspace stage. Complete the first stage with a "S" rank. Collect the extra life, and repeat as needed. Zero's black armor At the player selection screen, highlight Zero. Then, hold R1 and press Right(6). Release all buttons, then hold Circle and press Start. For the Japanese version, hold R1 and press Right(6). Release all buttons, then hold X and press Start. Megaman's Ultimate Armor and Nova Strike: Enable the "Megaman X's Ultimate armor" code. Play through the first two introduction stage, then start the Jungle stage. Go halfway down the second waterfall and go to the right. Enter the capsule and to get the Ultimate Armor along with Nova Strike and the aerial attack. Helmet capsule Go to the Cyber Peacock level and get a S rank on the third stretch with the yellow balls that drains your energy. This is difficult to accomplish, but possible. Armor capsule Go to Magma Dragoon level and proceed until reaching the part of Volcano Area 2 where you have the armor. Get into it and dash jump towards the platform. Get on to the platform, then charge twin slasher to full power and destroy the blocks in front of you. Pass through and get the armor upgrade. Animation sequences: Begin game play and leave the game unattended for approximately ten minutes. Megaman and Zero's animation sequences will eventually being to play. Ultimate capsule Begin game play as Dark X. Go to the Web Spider level and proceed to where the leg capsule was located. Instead, you will receive the ultimate armor. This allows unlimited nova strike, unlimited none charged special weapons, hover in midair, and the ability to shoot plasma bolts. Defeating the Bosses: Each Boss have a weakness related to their own weapons. Dragoon: Owl's weapon Owl: Cyberpeacock's weapon Cyberpeacock: Mushroom's weapon Spider: Beast's weapon Ray: Walrus' weapon Walrus: Dragoon's weapon Mushroom: Spider's weapon Sigma In Ghost Robe: Dragoon's weapon Sigma Out Of Robe: Spider's weapon Unlimited lives for Megaman X: Begin game play on the Frost Walrus stage in Area 1. Go to the section where the ice passages disappear. Turn to the left and get the extra life. Repeat the process to collect as many lives as needed. Megaman X's Ultimate armor At the player selection screen, highlight Megaman X. Press Circle(2), Left(6), then hold L1 + R2 and press Start. Note: Hold L1 + R2 until the game begins. Then, enter a special armor capsule to receive the new armor. For the Japanese version, press X(2), Left(6), then hold L1 + R2 and press Start. Leg capsule Go to the Web Spider level and proceed to the part with the waterfalls. When you drop down to the section below the part with the spike spinning on the platform, just go through the gap on the right side wall opposite to the hole. Arm capsule Go to Storm Owl Area 2 with all the laser cannons. Get to the section with the hole in the ceiling, with spikes on the floor and each side of the wall. Use the lightning web weapon to jump onto the platform. Above it are two capsules. One allows your fire four shots in a row and the other allows you to fire a plasma bolt. The best choice is the plasma bolt, as it keeps hitting the enemy after the first hit. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Megaman X4 cheat codes.
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